Thursday, June 28, 2018
To Serve and To Solve
To serve and to protect is the motto of many local police departments. It is inscribed on their vehicles and it is the standard they are expected to uphold.
I recently read an article on leadership in which the author had some similar ideas. He was talking about how the best way to train emerging leaders is to encourage them to do two things; to serve and to solve.
I like the sound of that. Not only is it catchy, but those two little words say a lot. To serve and to solve are two foundational attributes of biblical leadership because they reflect the ministry of Christ.
Jesus humbly served the will of the Father and graciously served the needs of humanity. Jesus also showed himself to be a consistent and powerful problem-solver.
When people were hungry, he fed them. When people were confused, he taught them. When people were hurting, he healed them. When people were wrong, he corrected them. When people were imperfect, he forgave them. When people were in danger, he rescued them.
The life of Christ reminds us that our calling is to follow his example to serve and to solve. We live in a world filled with needs to be served and problems to be solved.
When we start following Jesus, he starts directing our hearts toward people to serve and problems to solve. Who are the people you desire to serve? What are the problems you desire to solve?
Empower NBCA School of Ministry can help prepare you for a life of biblical leadership; a life empowered by Christ to serve and to solve.
Tuesday, June 26, 2018
Special Announcement
We interrupt regular programming to make this special announcement.
Empower NBCA School of Ministry is pleased to announce the launch of their evening program. Beginning in Fall of 2018, classes will now meet on Sunday evenings from 6-9 pm.
This new format allows students to earn an Associate Degree in Ministry and gain practical ministry experience while only meeting once per week.
First year courses are: Interpreting the Bible, Old Testament Survey, New Testament Survey, Calling & Purpose, Faith Life, Prayer Life, Spiritual Growth, Spiritual Gifts, Personal Finances, Supportive Ministries, The Ultimate Voice, and Apologetics.
Second year courses are: Biblical Leadership, Life of Christ, Book of Acts, Basic Bible Doctrines, Marriage & Family, Theology, Ministerial Ethics, The Great Commission, Teaching the Bible, Ministry Practicalities, Research Project, Mentoring Project, Capstone Project.
Please contact us at or 724.846.8820 x 25 for more information.
The application deadline is August 1, 2018.
Thursday, June 21, 2018
Measuring Success
We all want to be successful. However, how we define success makes all the difference. What is the standard by which we are measuring success?
Two thoughts come to mind. First, we need to determine if we are using biblical standards rather than man-made ideas. And secondly, we need to settle those standards of measurement in our hearts before we start our journey. Let me explain.
While we all want to be successful, we don't share the same specific goals or aspirations. Even though we aren't all aiming for the same target, we can all measure success the same way by using biblical standards. Does it honor God? Does it support the gospel? Does it include serving others?
The Bible is clear that we will all give an account of our lives to God one day. With that in mind, let's do our best to adopt biblical thinking in our pursuit of success. After all, he is going to have the last word on the matter. Any other opinion isn't going to matter on the day of judgment.
It is also important to define success in our hearts before we begin a task. Otherwise we have no sure way of knowing we are doing the right thing or doing it the right way. Unless our hearts are settled, we are much too prone to becoming influenced by other ideas. Of course, we should remain teachable and we can learn from others, but in the end we alone bear the responsibility for our actions. Let us be intentional rather than haphazard in our approach to successful living.
The call of God is paramount to determining successful living. Our obedience to the call is the truest measure of success. Empower NBCA School of Ministry endeavors to help people discover their call, own their call, and live their call for the glory of God. We consider that to be a great definition of successful living.
Tuesday, June 19, 2018
Competitive Advantage
Competitive advantage is a term that refers to conditions or circumstances that give someone a favorable or superior position. Whether in business, athletics, or everyday life, we are all looking for some kind of advantage.
One way that we can experience advantage is through preparation. Usually, the better our preparation, the better our chances are for success. That is precisely what Empower NBCA School of Ministry is all about; preparing you for success.
We combine classroom learning activities with real-world experiences, a process of self-reflection, and consistent mentorship opportunities. As a result, our students are prepared for a life of purpose and impact. We believe this kind of preparation translates into a lifelong advantage.
This is not an advantage that gives us the right to dominate others or to impose our will over them. Rather, this advantage is meant for us to connect our learning and spiritual formation into practical ways of directly impacting our world.
Thursday, June 14, 2018
The path of least resistance
Human nature has proven again and again that we are naturally prone to take the path of least resistance. None of us likes being bothered with giving extra effort. We like things quick and easy.
It doesn't take long, however, to discover that life just doesn't work that way. Sure, we all have gifts and talents that enable us to do certain things that we've always been good at without much effort. Yet, the reality is that the path of least resistance often leads us to places that we find disappointing and uninspiring.
Empower NBCA School of Ministry is all about helping people find, follow, and fulfill their God-given calling. Living out the call of God is the best place for us. It's where we come alive, it's where we do the most good, it's where we belong.
Let's realize that living out the call of God is going to include flowing in the comfort zone of God-given gifts and abilities, yet it's also going to include applying our faith to overcome obstacles, make changes, and maximize our potential. In other words, living out the call of God isn't going to be quick and easy. It's going to take time and it's going to take effort.
I enjoy comfort and convenience as much as anyone else, but let's not be fooled by the path of least resistance. It's not the road that leads to destiny. Following the Lord is going to cost you something, but the return on your investment is well worth it.
Going to school might seem like a lot of unnecessary work and expense. But that's only true if you don't care where you're headed. Following the call of God, my friend is for those who are willing to make a serious and wholehearted effort. We can help you with that.
Tuesday, June 12, 2018
A Biblical Pattern
I have found the Bible to be a consistent and trustworthy guide for life. This collection of divinely inspired writings is a priceless source of unmatched wisdom and powerful principles for living a life well-spent.
One of the primary ways the Bible communicates it's truths is by revealing patterns for us to follow. We come to recognize the importance of things by how often they are repeated and emphasized throughout the Scriptures.
I want to bring to your attention the biblical pattern of preparation. Over and over, throughout both the Old and New Testaments, we read stories and see examples of people in seasons of preparation to fulfill their calling.
Moses spent forty years in the desert as a shepherd before leading the people of Israel. David also spent his youth watching his father's sheep before being selected to become king. Daniel and his friends were subjected to a three year program of instruction before serving in the palace at Babylon. Likewise, Esther received a full year's worth of detailed treatments and preparation before being allowed to approach the king.
In the New Testament we read of Jesus preparing for thirty years before entering his three year earthly ministry. The disciples of Christ spent those three years learning from him, but were also instructed to wait for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit before launching into their ministries. We also read of Saul who later became Paul, who after converting to Christ, spent years in prayer before he began his apostolic ministry. And in Acts 19, we read about Paul leading daily discussions for two years in the school of Tyrannus. This resulted in all of Asia hearing the word of the Lord.
What is the point of all this? Why am I bringing this up? Because I perceive the biblical pattern of fully obeying the call of God to include a time of concentrated and purposed preparation.
The length, the style, the manner of preparation isn't the same for everyone, yet I want to challenge you to consider what you should do about God's call. Empower NBCA School of Ministry offers an environment where you can prepare effectively to follow the call of God.
Saturday, June 9, 2018
Where do you want to be two years from now?
The year 2020 is less than two years away. What is your 2020 vision? In other words, where do you want to be in two years? Who do you want to become and what do you want your life to look like?
I believe these are good questions to ponder, because our future is not an accident. Of course, not all things are under our control, yet our vision determines the path toward our future. What is the desire of your heart and how do you plan to achieve it?
Psalm 57:2 says, I cry out to God Most High, to God who will fulfill his purpose for me.
Many people believe that God has a purpose for their life. However, not many seem confident about the details. Some seem to feel God will just do whatever he pleases, and they are helplessly along for the ride. Others seem to feel that unless they receive clear direction from God, they may fall short of his plans and purposes for them.
The psalmist indicates that he is seeking God for help so that the divine purpose will not be thwarted. The fulfillment of our purpose requires our cooperation and obedience. What are you doing about that?
Empower NBCA School of Ministry provides an environment where you can learn more about God's purposes for you and how you can actively participate. We believe that God has wonderful purposes for your life. We also believe that a focused and systematic commitment of study is necessary for finding and fulfilling those purposes.
So back to our original question. Where do you want to be two years from now? What you do in the meantime will determine where you will be in two years. We can help you with that.
Tuesday, June 5, 2018
Are you ready to live empowered?
Have you ever considered what it means to live empowered? What are the hallmarks of an empowered life? How can you tell if you're ready to live in an empowered way?
The dictionary defines empower as giving someone the power or authority to do something. It also means to make someone stronger and more confident about living their life.
Many people sense deep within that they were created for a significant purpose, but are unsure what that is or how to get there.The mission of Empower NBCA School of Ministry is to help you discover your call, own your call, and live your call for the glory of God.
Here are some markers to help you evaluate whether or not you feel ready to live empowered:
1. You have a clear vision for your life
2. You feel energized and excited about your future
3. You feel like you are making a difference
4. You feel like you are doing something meaningful
5. You feel equipped and prepared to achieve your vision
Life is a precious gift filled with possibilities and potential. It's been said that life is God's gift to us, but what we do with it is our gift to Him.
One day we will all be judged by God for how we lived our lives. Are you ready to live empowered? Let us know if we can help you with that.
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