Tuesday, June 12, 2018

A Biblical Pattern

I have found the Bible to be a consistent and trustworthy guide for life. This collection of divinely inspired writings is a priceless source of unmatched wisdom and powerful principles for living a life well-spent.

One of the primary ways the Bible communicates it's truths is by revealing patterns for us to follow. We come to recognize the importance of things by how often they are repeated and emphasized throughout the Scriptures.     

I want to bring to your attention the biblical pattern of preparation. Over and over, throughout both the Old and New Testaments, we read stories and see examples of people in seasons of preparation to fulfill their calling. 

Moses spent forty years in the desert as a shepherd before leading the people of Israel. David also spent his youth watching his father's sheep before being selected to become king. Daniel and his friends were subjected to a three year program of instruction before serving in the palace at Babylon. Likewise, Esther received a full year's worth of detailed treatments and preparation before being allowed to approach the king. 

In the New Testament we read of Jesus preparing for thirty years before entering his three year earthly ministry. The disciples of Christ spent those three years learning from him, but were also instructed to wait for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit before launching into their ministries. We also read of Saul who later became Paul, who after converting to Christ, spent years in prayer before he began his apostolic ministry. And in Acts 19, we read about Paul leading daily discussions for two years in the school of Tyrannus. This resulted in all of Asia hearing the word of the Lord.

What is the point of all this? Why am I bringing this up? Because I perceive the biblical pattern of fully obeying the call of God to include a time of concentrated and purposed preparation.

The length, the style, the manner of preparation isn't the same for everyone, yet I want to challenge you to consider what you should do about God's call. Empower NBCA School of Ministry offers an environment where you can prepare effectively to follow the call of God.

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