Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Free Range

Free Range

Free range is a term that has recently attracted some attention. It is typically used in reference to housing livestock in a natural environment that allows freedom of movement. This is not only more humane but it also produces a healthier animal for market.

Interestingly, the term free range has also become linked to parenting styles. Some parents have come under investigation for giving their children what is perceived by some as too much freedom or lack of proper supervision. However, research supports the assertion that a healthy degree of free range parenting helps to develop more responsible adults.

Why does this matter? What's the point? How does this relate to our walk with God?

Walking with God is a walk of faith. A life of faith requires some level of risk. Trusting in God causes us to confront fears and tackle uncertainties. We learn to take responsibility for our lives by learning to depend on God.

It seems counter-intuitive to equate taking responsibility with dependency. Yet, the more confident we become in God's care for us and the more assured we become in the integrity of his promises, the more freedom we experience. Becoming dependent on God doesn't confine or disable us, instead it expands our horizons and enlarges our willingness to step boldly into the unknown.

The life of faith is free range. It is here that we enjoy our intended environment and freedom of movement. Not freedom from God, but freedom to walk with God and become all that he purposes for us.

Good things happen when we spend time in the right environment. That's what Empower NBCA School of Ministry is all about. 

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