Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Do Your Best

Do Your Best

I heard a former Navy Seal speaking about the intensity of their training regimen. Many aspire to reach the elite status of a Navy Seal, yet not everyone survives the rigors they are asked to endure. One of the main things I took away from the presentation that day was that whether we learn to be a highly trained soldier or not, we are all creatures of habit and when we experience challenging circumstances we will resort to our highest level of training.

As followers of Christ, we are on a mission to reach the world with the gospel message. Along the way, there will be challenges of many kinds. How we respond to those challenges makes all the difference between surviving or thriving. Will we survive the rigors of life, or will we fall prey to trials, tribulations, and temptations? Will we reach our full potential in Christ and fulfill our mission, or will we become distracted, disinterested, and discouraged?

None of us is perfect, and we all need some help from time to time. That's why we have each other, as a support system to help win the battles of life. However, for optimum success, a vital part of our support system must also include growing in faith and developing our spiritual lives. When a soldier encounters a life or death situation, they fall back on their training in order to survive the attack and defeat the enemy. Likewise, when we encounter pressure and problems, we fall back on how we've been trained to deal with these things.

That's what Empower NBCA School of Ministry is all about. Becoming highly trained in the ways of the Lord, so that we not only survive, but we thrive and do our best in life. We believe that a system of consistent training is essential to doing our best.

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