Thursday, November 8, 2018

A Place Called There

A Place Called There

The account of Saul's conversion to Christ is an amazing story. It appears three times in the Book of Acts, in chapter, 9, 22, and 26. When something is repeated that often in Scripture, we need to pay attention. His experience left a lasting impression on Saul (who later became known as the Apostle Paul), and it became the driving force of his life. He used his story to convince others of their need for salvation, and of Christ's mandate to preach the gospel to all men.

As Paul recounts how he had a vision of Jesus along the road to Damascus, we can learn from his experience. After an intense light from heaven knocks him to the ground, he hears the voice of the Lord. He responds with two question. First, who are you Lord? And secondly, What should I do?

These two questions sum up the hunger of the human heart. Within each human soul, there is a desire to know God and to know how we can honor him. The Lord answers his questions by saying, I am Jesus whom you are persecuting, and then he tells him to go into Damascus, THERE you will be told what you are assigned to do.

Why didn't Jesus just tell him everything right then and there? Why was Saul instructed to go into the city to receive further information? Could this be a pattern for us to follow? Just like Paul, do we also have a place called there, where we will receive what our hearts long to know? Of course, God can do whatever he likes, and I don't think everyone's experience is exactly the same. However, I do think  this story highlights an important truth for us all. There are places and people that God intends to use to help shape and direct our lives. 

That's what Empower NBCA School of Ministry is all about. To be a place where people can come to learn more about what God wants them to do. To be a place called there.

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