Monday, October 8, 2018

Right Voices Lead To Right Choices

Right Voices Lead to Right Choices

One of the most common prayer requests is for direction and guidance. We face many decisions on a daily basis, and each of us at some point will be searching for answers. Tuning into the right voices helps us to make the right choices.

Whether we use an online search tool, social media, or we simply phone a friend, seeking help with making decisions is a part of everyday life. Learning who to listen to can make all the difference. When it comes to getting advice, why not go straight to the top?

Psalm 119:24 tells us that the Scriptures can become our counselor. The Lord can speak to us through his word and give us the counsel we need. Talking things over with a trusted and qualified friend is always helpful, too, but the Word of God must be the first place we go to for answers.

Nobody knows more about everything, and nobody cares more about you than the Lord. James 1:5 says that God graciously grants us wisdom when we ask him for it. I just read this morning about an airline pilot in Indonesia who was sensitive to the voice of God and took off before he was scheduled, avoiding an earthquake which happened minutes later, sparing the lives of 144 passengers and crew.

Not all of our decisions will be that consequential, but getting direction from God always serves us well. That's what Empower NBCA School of Ministry is all about, developing our ability to walk with God and serve him effectively. Because right voices lead to right choices. 

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