Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Traits of a World-Changer

Traits of a World-Changer

It's been jokingly said that there are three kinds of people. Those who watch things happen. Those who make things happen. And those who don't know what happened. There is some truth to this statement, and it gives us something to consider. How are we changing the world?

History records many people who have impacted the world in profound ways. Freedom fighters like  Moses, Martin Luther, Abraham Lincoln, and Nelson Mandela. Inventors like the Wright Brothers, Thomas Edison, and Alexander Graham Bell. Explorers like Magellan, Christopher Columbus, and Lewis & Clark. And the list goes on of thinkers, writers, musicians, scientists, humanitarians, and soldiers and statesman who have left their mark.

Not everyone has made such large or noticeable contributions. Countless others have been a great blessing just by being a loving parent, a good friend, or a faithful employee. Being a world-changer doesn't necessarily mean being famous. But there are several common traits we can identify among those who make a significant difference in the world.

First of all, they live with a strong sense of purpose. They don't live randomly or haphazardly. They have visionary focus and an intense feeling of mission. Secondly, they live by their convictions. Most people have no trouble verbalizing their beliefs. Having the courage and commitment to live by those beliefs isn't as common. Lastly, they are people of action. They understand that while change begins with ideas, it must eventually be converted into meaningful action. World-changers and difference-makers follow through with strategic action.

That's what Empower NBCA School of Ministry is all about. Developing the traits of a world-changer. How are you changing the world? 

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