Monday, January 7, 2019

Think About It

Think About It

The start of a new year seems to be a time when people tend to focus more on making plans and setting goals. After the busy holiday season, it's a good chance to reflect on where we're headed in life and make any needed adjustments. Looking back to last year can help us decide how we need to move forward in the new year. Here are a few things to think about.

Am I making more friends? Did you make the effort to meet new people and add to your circle of friends in the past year? Have you given yourself the opportunity to sharpen others and likewise be sharpened through a wider network of influence? If not, think about how you can improve in this area during the new year.

Am I learning new skills? Did you read any good books or take any new classes to improve your skill set? Have you subscribed to any podcasts, developed better study habits, or invested in your personal growth somehow last year? If not, think about how you can improve in this area during the new year.

Am I sensing clear direction from God? Did you spend last year living with a strong sense of mission? Do you feel like you have been impacted by a specific word from the Lord? Are you moving aimlessly along the current of life, or are you staying focused by listening for God's voice? Think about how you can improve in this area during the new year.

Empower NBCA School of Ministry is all about personal development. Building stronger faith. Gaining a stronger sense of purpose. Growing leadership ability. If you're looking to make some positive changes in the new year, think about Empower. Visit for more information.

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