Thursday, August 30, 2018
Be True to Your School
Be True to Your School
Back in 1963, the Beach Boys released a song called, Be True to Your School. It was a rah-rah, feel good song about teenagers with letter-man jackets taking pride in their school. While there is nothing wrong with that, I think that being true to your school goes much deeper.
Did you know that the word 'school' appears just once in the Bible? Although the Bible lists many references to teaching and religious instruction, only in Acts 19:9 do we actually find the term school mentioned. Here the Apostle Paul is said to have held daily lectures for two years in the school, or in the lecture hall, of Tyrannus. The result of this two year "school" was that the whole region of Asia was reached with the gospel.
The meaning of the word school in the original Greek language refers to a place where lectures on the philosophy of life are regularly discussed. Whether we realize it or not, each of us is part of a school. Somehow, someway, we are all participating in a group that philosophizes about life. People gather at park benches, barber shops, restaurants, concerts, churches, town halls, chat rooms, social media platforms, radio programs, television broadcasts, and many more. And there we talk about life.
School isn't just a place for kids to learn reading, writing, and arithmetic. The term school has a broader application. It is something we all need, at all stages and ages. It is a way to gather with others and discuss the meaning of life. And just like the students from Paul's school in Acts 19, to share our message with others. That's being true to your school.
That's what Empower NBCA School of Ministry is all about. A time and a place where we can learn and discuss the kind of life God desires for us. And then to share that message until all have heard.
Tuesday, August 28, 2018
Love is the Greatest
Love is the Greatest
I usually read my bible as I eat breakfast. This morning I read where Jesus answered a question about which is the greatest commandment? His response gives us much to think about. He said the greatest commandment is summed up as loving the Lord with all of your being and loving your neighbor as yourself. Nothing is greater than this.
His answer gives us a wonderful standard to live by, a simple yet profound purpose in life. Not only does it explain what we should do, but it also reveals why we do it. We live to serve God and we live to serve others because of love. We love him because he first loved us. Love becomes our primary motivation.
How do we find direction for life? How do we make good decisions? How do we find energy and determination during difficult times? How do we prioritize our time? How do we stay out of trouble? How do we live our best life? We do all of these things and more by choosing to live in love with God and with our neighbor.
Love not only helps us to do the right things, but it also helps us do them for the right reasons. That's what Empower NBCA School of Ministry is all about. Helping you recognize the call of God upon your life, and responding to that call in the best way. With love for God and love for our neighbor. That is the recipe for a life well-lived.
Thursday, August 23, 2018
For the sake of others
For the sake of others
I recently came across a quote from Albert Einstein that intrigued me. It goes like this; "Strange is our situation here on earth. Each of us comes for a short visit, not knowing why, yet sometimes seeming to a divine purpose. From the standpoint of daily life, however, there is one thing we do know; we are here for the sake of others."
Becoming persuaded that we are here for the sake of others is one of the most basic and essential lessons each of us could ever learn. Living with this sense of mission and purpose is what allows us to become the person we were meant to be. Understanding and adopting such a perspective is what enables us to live a meaningful and productive life.
I hear many people complain about the condition of our world. The news is filled with relentless accounts of crime, injustice, and depravity. We can respond by either withdrawing from others in fear and distrust or we can seek opportunities to connect to others with compassion and concern.
This world we live in is such a great paradox. It is filled with both joys and sorrows. Everywhere we look there is both beauty and brokenness. Each day brings opportunity for delight or deceit. The possibilities are endless for either making a difference or making a mess. Let us choose wisely the roads we travel. Let us choose to live for the sake of others.
That is what Empower NBCA School of Ministry is all about. It is about abandoning ourselves to the call of God and finding the path we were created for. It is about learning to live for God and for the sake of others.
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
Margin and Mission
Margin and Mission
One of the greatest things about growing up is getting the chance to decide how to live your life. It's a wonderful thing to come to the realization that life is a gift, and each of us has been granted the opportunity to make it count somehow. We're all looking for a cause worthy of the substance of life.
I want to offer you something to consider. If we truly want our lives to create impact, then I believe we need two vital ingredients. They are margin and mission.
Margin simply refers to giving yourself room to grow and fulfill your potential. The pace of life has become so frantic and erratic that many people find themselves without margin. That means no time to think, to read, to dream, to pray, and to become who you are supposed to be.
Living with margin takes discipline and intentionality. There is only so much time and energy. Margin isn't about being lazy, rather it is about a wise use of precious resources.
Mission refers to focus. There are no lack of needs or opportunities to make a difference. But at some point, we each need to decide what is going to become the overarching mission of our lives.
Without mission, we are mediocre and ineffective. Without mission, we end up living in the land of what might have been. Without mission, we forfeit our best life.
Margin and mission work together. Living with margin allows us to live out our mission, and living with mission demands that we live with margin. We really can't have one without the other.
That's what Empower NBCA School of Ministry is all about. Learning to live with margin and mission. That's what it takes to live a life of lasting impact.
Wednesday, August 15, 2018
If You Don't Mind
If You Don't Mind
Many years ago, there was a media campaign encouraging young people to further their education based on the slogan, "A mind is a terrible thing to waste". And indeed, it is tragic when people do not fulfill their potential due to lack of opportunity or lack of effort. Education can be a wonderful thing, however, the Bible advises us to seek the Lord's perspective in all things.
God is our Creator, and he gave us minds which with to think and to reason. However, in Proverbs 3:5-6, we are cautioned not to lean on our own understanding but rather to acknowledge him in all things. Romans 12:2 instructs us not to conform to the pattern of the world, but to be transformed by the renewing of the mind. This is the doorway to experiencing God's perfect will.
God isn't telling us not to think, but rather he is telling us how to think. If we want to experience the best God has for us, then we must not limit ourselves to our own thinking ability. Renewing the mind is simply learning to adopt God's way of thinking. As Ephesians 4 tells us, we are to put off the old self, and be renewed in the attitude of our minds by putting on the new self, which is created to follow God in righteousness and holiness.
A mind is a terrible thing to waste, but worse than that is wasting the opportunity to submit our minds to the mind of God. Even the best minds that ever lived do not come close to the infinite wisdom and greatness contained in the mind of the Lord. Yes, let's put our minds to use as we endeavor to solve problems and serve people, but let our thinking first be informed by the mind of the Lord.
That's what Empower NBCA School of Ministry is all about. Renewing our minds with the mind of the Lord. The possibilities are endless, if you don't mind.
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