Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Love is the Greatest

Love is the Greatest

I usually read my bible as I eat breakfast. This morning I read where Jesus answered a question about which is the greatest commandment? His response gives us much to think about. He said the greatest commandment is summed up as loving the Lord with all of your being and loving your neighbor as yourself. Nothing is greater than this.

His answer gives us a wonderful standard to live by, a simple yet profound purpose in life. Not only does it explain what we should do, but it also reveals why we do it. We live to serve God and we live to serve others because of love. We love him because he first loved us. Love becomes our primary motivation.

How do we find direction for life? How do we make good decisions? How do we find energy and determination during difficult times? How do we prioritize our time? How do we stay out of trouble? How do we live our best life? We do all of these things and more by choosing to live in love with God and with our neighbor.

Love not only helps us to do the right things, but it also helps us do them for the right reasons. That's what Empower NBCA School of Ministry is all about. Helping you recognize the call of God upon your life, and responding to that call in the best way. With love for God and love for our neighbor. That is the recipe for a life well-lived.

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