Thursday, August 30, 2018

Be True to Your School

Be True to Your School

Back in 1963, the Beach Boys released a song called, Be True to Your School. It was a rah-rah, feel good song about teenagers with letter-man jackets taking pride in their school. While there is nothing wrong with that, I think that being true to your school goes much deeper.

Did you know that the word 'school' appears just once in the Bible? Although the Bible lists many  references to teaching and religious instruction, only in Acts 19:9 do we actually find the term school mentioned. Here the Apostle Paul is said to have held daily lectures for two years in the school, or in the lecture hall, of Tyrannus. The result of this two year "school" was that the whole region of Asia was reached with the gospel. 

The meaning of the word school in the original Greek language refers to a place where lectures on the philosophy of life are regularly discussed. Whether we realize it or not, each of us is part of a school. Somehow, someway, we are all participating in a group that philosophizes about life. People gather at park benches, barber shops, restaurants, concerts, churches, town halls, chat rooms, social media platforms, radio programs, television broadcasts, and many more. And there we talk about life.

School isn't just a place for kids to learn reading, writing, and arithmetic. The term school has a broader application. It is something we all need, at all stages and ages. It is a way to gather with others and discuss the meaning of life. And just like the students from Paul's school in Acts 19, to share our message with others. That's being true to your school.

That's what Empower NBCA School of Ministry is all about. A time and a place where we can learn and discuss the kind of life God desires for us. And then to share that message until all have heard.


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