Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Margin and Mission

Margin and Mission

One of the greatest things about growing up is getting the chance to decide how to live your life. It's a wonderful thing to come to the realization that life is a gift, and each of us has been granted the opportunity to make it count somehow. We're all looking for a cause worthy of the substance of life.

I want to offer you something to consider. If we truly want our lives to create impact, then I believe we need two vital ingredients. They are margin and mission.

Margin simply refers to giving yourself room to grow and fulfill your potential. The pace of life has become so frantic and erratic that many people find themselves without margin. That means no time to think, to read, to dream, to pray, and to become who you are supposed to be.

Living with margin takes discipline and intentionality. There is only so much time and energy. Margin isn't about being lazy, rather it is about a wise use of precious resources.

Mission refers to focus. There are no lack of needs or opportunities to make a difference. But at some point, we each need to decide what is going to become the overarching mission of our lives.

Without mission, we are mediocre and ineffective. Without mission, we end up living in the land of what might have been. Without mission, we forfeit our best life.

Margin and mission work together. Living with margin allows us to live out our mission, and living with mission demands that we live with margin. We really can't have one without the other.

That's what Empower NBCA School of Ministry is all about. Learning to live with margin and mission. That's what it takes to live a life of lasting impact.

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