Monday, December 3, 2018

An Excellent Spirit

An Excellent Spirit

The book of Daniel has long been one of my favorites. It is a story of a young man who overcomes great challenges through unyielding devotion to the Lord. He is one of many who are taken captive to a foreign land by an invading army. There, he is faced with constant opposition to his faith, yet he remains true to his beliefs and eventually becomes a very influential leader among his captors. It is an inspiring story of how powerful an impact one can make through dedicated service to God, regardless of their surroundings.

One of the things that distinguished Daniel from the rest was his spirit of excellence. Although he was a captive from another country, he was promoted to one of the highest offices in government. Over and over, his enemies tried to bring him down, but his excellent spirit caused him to keep rising above. He earned a reputation for being faithful, faultless, and exceedingly wise.

A spirit of excellence gets people's attention. It opens doors of opportunity and closes mouths of critics. It builds respect and breaks down barriers. It creates confidence for some and confusion for others. We don't always know what to call it, but we lean in when we see it. An excellent spirit is highly valuable and incredibly rare.

God is the purest definition of excellence. He is above all, and without equal, yet he expresses his excellence graciously and honorably. The nature of his excellence is to benefit others, rather than to trample and dominate them. The spirit of excellence is the spirit of Christ. 

That's what Empower NBCA School of Ministry is all about. Developing a spirit of excellence through devotion and service to Christ. We are called to carry the excellence of Christ upon us.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

How to be Thankful

How to be Thankful

With this being Thanksgiving week, the subject of being thankful is on the minds of many people. The Bible has much to say about thanksgiving. It's more than our American celebration of turkeys and touchdowns. For the followers of Christ, being thankful is to be a lifestyle.

What happens when being thankful doesn't come naturally? Can we learn to develop a thankful heart? Are there things we can do to inspire and activate thankfulness in our lives? Yes, I think so.

The Bible teaches more than just the need to be thankful, it goes further by also explaining why we can be thankful, how we can be thankful, and what we can be thankful for. While there are many Scriptures we could look at, I especially like Psalm 116:12-14.

Here the writer asks himself an interesting question. How can I repay the Lord for all the good he has done for me? In other words, how can I properly and adequately give thanks to the Lord? Then he answers his own question by saying, I will take the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord. I will fulfill my vows to the Lord in the presence of all his people.

As he reflects on his desire to thank the Lord, he realizes the impossibility of doing so, since the Lord has need of nothing and everything we have came from him in the first place. However, he also recognizes that receiving what the Lord offers, his cup of salvation, is the best way to honor God. Humbly and eagerly accepting from the Lord is the best way to show thanks. The paradox is that we give to the Lord by taking what he freely offers.

That's what Empower NBCA School of Ministry is all about. Learning to live with a thankful heart by receiving the gifts and callings he has for each of us, and fulfilling his purpose for us among the people of God.   

Thursday, November 15, 2018

The Future is Now

The Future is Now

It's vitally important to have dreams and goals for the future. The bible tells us in Proverbs 29:18, where there is no vision, people live in unrestrained and undisciplined ways which produces confusion and disorder. However, looking ahead should not prevent us from seeing the opportunities at hand right now.

It's not uncommon for us to get so focused on where we want to go, that we can easily lose sight of current realities. By current realities, I mean things like relationships, situations, needs and opportunities that are part of our lives right now that could be a link to our desired future. We must not limit our dreams in light of our current realities, but neither should we underestimate the connection our current realities can play in helping us achieve our goals.

A healthy balance is usually a good thing. Let's keep moving toward our goals without ignoring the possibilities that surround us right now. Rather than waiting for something special to happen, understanding what you have available to work with right now is often the best place to get started. Acting like our calling is a future event is a common behavior that holds people back. Our calling does involve the future, but the future is built on what we are doing today.

That's what Empower NBCA School of Ministry is all about. Growing into our God-given calling by getting busy with present opportunities to learn and serve. Because the future really is now. 

Monday, November 12, 2018

Under Construction

Under Construction

The story goes that as a man was walking through a large city one day, he came across a large construction site. Curious, he asked one of the workers what they were doing. With no emotion, "Laying bricks" was all he said. Still curious, the man asked a second worker what they were doing. Without looking up, the second worker replied, "Earning a paycheck". Finally, the man encountered a third worker, to whom he directed the same question. This time, however, he received a much different response. The third worker stopped for a moment, looked the man right in the eye, and with
excitement on his face and awe in his voice, he answered, "I am building a cathedral". 

How is it that outwardly, people can appear to be doing the same thing, yet inwardly they are experiencing different realities? It's all about attitude. It's all about perspective. It's all about seeing the bigger picture. That's what Empower is really all about. Sure, we are a school with classes and teachers and books. But there is much more. Empower is a mindset, it is an understanding of how God wants to make you into someone who is making a difference. Down deep, that's what we really want. We want our life to matter, we want our life to make sense, we want our life to count for something special.

The third worker from our story got it. He saw beyond the daily grind. He saw beyond the task at hand. He saw the lasting result of his labor. It was under construction, but he was empowered by his vision, which transferred into empowering his activity. His inward reality impacted his external performance. From where I sit, that is a good example of living empowered.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

A Place Called There

A Place Called There

The account of Saul's conversion to Christ is an amazing story. It appears three times in the Book of Acts, in chapter, 9, 22, and 26. When something is repeated that often in Scripture, we need to pay attention. His experience left a lasting impression on Saul (who later became known as the Apostle Paul), and it became the driving force of his life. He used his story to convince others of their need for salvation, and of Christ's mandate to preach the gospel to all men.

As Paul recounts how he had a vision of Jesus along the road to Damascus, we can learn from his experience. After an intense light from heaven knocks him to the ground, he hears the voice of the Lord. He responds with two question. First, who are you Lord? And secondly, What should I do?

These two questions sum up the hunger of the human heart. Within each human soul, there is a desire to know God and to know how we can honor him. The Lord answers his questions by saying, I am Jesus whom you are persecuting, and then he tells him to go into Damascus, THERE you will be told what you are assigned to do.

Why didn't Jesus just tell him everything right then and there? Why was Saul instructed to go into the city to receive further information? Could this be a pattern for us to follow? Just like Paul, do we also have a place called there, where we will receive what our hearts long to know? Of course, God can do whatever he likes, and I don't think everyone's experience is exactly the same. However, I do think  this story highlights an important truth for us all. There are places and people that God intends to use to help shape and direct our lives. 

That's what Empower NBCA School of Ministry is all about. To be a place where people can come to learn more about what God wants them to do. To be a place called there.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Destiny Road

Destiny Road

Destiny is an interesting yet often confusing concept. We all like to believe there is something good out there waiting to happen for us. However, there are plenty of differing ideas on how this is supposed to work.

Is it fate? Some heavenly force that predetermines all of life for us. Or is it personal responsibility? Picking ourselves by the bootstraps and pushing through the obstacles of life with grit and a positive outlook? Maybe it's a combination of both, knowing that God has a plan for us, yet also being aware of our need to search it out and follow the plan with faith on Destiny Road.

Destiny involves a destination. There is a place we need to get to. But it's more than just that, it also involves the path we take to get there. Ephesians 2:10 tells us that as believers in Christ, we enter into a relationship with him that includes a God-ordained plan for us. There is a path prepared for us to follow, yet we must apply ourselves to the pursuit of this destiny or we may miss it. 

That's what Empower NBCA School of Ministry is all about. Helping people grow in faith and in their understanding of following God's plan for their lives. Are you confident that you are on Destiny Road?

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Built to Last

Built to Last

There used to be a time when things were built to last. Advertisers would tell you about the long-lasting quality of their products. But things have changed. We now live in a disposable society where having the latest and greatest things seems to be of primary importance.

It doesn't take long before a newer version of things comes along, and entices us to upgrade. Upgrading is great, and the constant stream of innovation has made the world a better place in many ways. However, when it comes to following the call of God, let's not forget the value of standing the test of time.

Jesus said in John 15:16, You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit - fruit that will last. Lasting value and enduring impact is the goal of God's call on our lives. We are not called to be a flash in the pan, here today and gone tomorrow. When the Lord gets hold of our lives, we are built to last.

We need not be opposed to new things. We should take advantage of all the tools at our disposal to serve the Lord. Yet, let us guard against the cultural mindset that can blind us to our true purpose. Let's not just live for today, let's keep the big picture in view. Let's stay on the cutting edge without forfeiting our commitment to bearing fruit that will last.

That's what Empower NBCA School of Ministry is all about. Growing disciples that will remain. Developing leaders that will endure. Making an impact that is built to last. 

Monday, October 29, 2018

Time Change

Time Change

Here we go again. This weekend we change the clocks again. The spring and fall ritual of moving up or turning back the clocks one hour.

Time is an interesting thing. It controls and directs our lives in so many ways. It's one of those things that we all seem to want more of. Yet no matter how hard we try, we each feel the limitations of time. Whether we change the clock an hour ahead or an hour back, it's still ticking. Each day still has only 24 hours.

There is so much we could do, if only we had more time. Rather than wishing for more time, maybe the better approach is to make the most of the time we have. The Bible calls it "redeeming the time". (see Ephesians 5:16)

A friend of mine was recently badly injured in a motorcycle accident. He spoke of lying on the road after the accident, not sure if he would survive. He felt regret that he had not done more for the Lord during his life. Thankfully, he did survive and is now recovering. But his story challenges us to take a hard look at our lives. How are we using our time?

That's what Empower NBCA School of Ministry is all about. Helping people redeem the time by seeking out the call of God on their lives, and preparing to follow the call wholeheartedly. There is no greater use of our time than to spend it in the service of our Savior. 


Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Traits of a World-Changer

Traits of a World-Changer

It's been jokingly said that there are three kinds of people. Those who watch things happen. Those who make things happen. And those who don't know what happened. There is some truth to this statement, and it gives us something to consider. How are we changing the world?

History records many people who have impacted the world in profound ways. Freedom fighters like  Moses, Martin Luther, Abraham Lincoln, and Nelson Mandela. Inventors like the Wright Brothers, Thomas Edison, and Alexander Graham Bell. Explorers like Magellan, Christopher Columbus, and Lewis & Clark. And the list goes on of thinkers, writers, musicians, scientists, humanitarians, and soldiers and statesman who have left their mark.

Not everyone has made such large or noticeable contributions. Countless others have been a great blessing just by being a loving parent, a good friend, or a faithful employee. Being a world-changer doesn't necessarily mean being famous. But there are several common traits we can identify among those who make a significant difference in the world.

First of all, they live with a strong sense of purpose. They don't live randomly or haphazardly. They have visionary focus and an intense feeling of mission. Secondly, they live by their convictions. Most people have no trouble verbalizing their beliefs. Having the courage and commitment to live by those beliefs isn't as common. Lastly, they are people of action. They understand that while change begins with ideas, it must eventually be converted into meaningful action. World-changers and difference-makers follow through with strategic action.

That's what Empower NBCA School of Ministry is all about. Developing the traits of a world-changer. How are you changing the world? 

Thursday, October 18, 2018

The Chosen

The Chosen

The choices we make in life are of immense value. They determine the outcome of so many things. For this reason, praying for wisdom to choose wisely is of utmost importance.

In Matthew 22:14, Jesus ends one of his parables with these words, Many are called but few are chosen. The call goes out to everyone. However, not everyone chooses to respond to the call.

Like most things, there are differences of opinion in how this is interpreted. Regardless of your view, it still is clear that answering the call should be a priority. This one choice supersedes all others.

God loves us and invites us into his family. God loves us and invites us into his purposes. God loves us and invites us into his plans.

The best choice to make is to respond to the call. It won't be easy. There will be sacrifices and struggles, but in the end it will be well worth it.

That's what Empower NBCA School of Ministry is all about. Creating an environment where people can answer the call. Once and for all and one day at a time. Because the choices we make, end up making us. 

Monday, October 15, 2018

The Finish Line

The Finish Line

There are endless ways to measure success in life. People look at things like power, prestige, and possessions to gauge their level of the good life. Those things have their place and serve their purpose, however, there is a greater scale to measure what really matters.

It all begins with taking a long range view of life. Most people don't like to think about it, but there is a finish line in life. It's not how we start but how we finish that matters most.

There is a higher calling in life. We are made for something bigger than ourselves. Deep within, there is a sense of significance waiting to be awakened. It speaks not only of what we do in life, but also why we do it. It brings us into contact with what really matters.

In John 17, Jesus is praying in the garden. He is preparing to sacrifice his life on the cross. He reflects on what has been done and what is still to be accomplished. He prays for his disciples and the future of the church. But before that, in verse four, he makes a profound statement. He says to the Father, I have brought glory to you on the earth by completing the work you've given me to do.

With that one statement, he sums up the measure of what really matters. With the end quickly approaching, the thing that stood out to him the most in that moment was his readiness to finish what God had asked him to do. That is the mark of a successful life. The finish line says it all.

That's what Empower NBCA School of Ministry is all about. Getting your focus on the finish line. Not only figuring out what God has called you to do, but also getting a deep sense of why. Because when all is said and done, the higher calling is how we measure what really matters. 

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Do It Again

Do It Again

Of all the attributes of God, the one that seems to stand out more than any other is his faithfulness. He is good, and merciful, and holy, and just, and so much more, but without his faithfulness, we couldn't count on those aspects of his nature. We wouldn't know what to expect from day to day. In other words, his faithfulness encompasses every other one of his attributes. His faithfulness reveals what he is at all times. He is what he is again and again.

This is vitally important for us to learn. We are called to follow the Lord and be conformed into his likeness. We are called to reflect his glory and be expressions of his greatness. Not just sometimes. Not just on good days, or when we feel like it. He is a full-time Jesus and following him is a full-time commitment. We are called to live out who he is again and again.

Herein lies one of the basic elements of success. Faithfulness. Whoever you are and whatever you do, you will never fulfill your potential without faithfulness. No matter the field of endeavor, success is the result of identifying best practices and consistently repeating them over and over. It's simply a matter of showing up day after day and achieving peak performance again and again.

Champions are those who find a way to live faithfully. Faithful to vision. Faithful to purpose. Faithful to values. They are consistent and dependable. They are tried and true. They are who they are again and again. That's what Empower NBCA School of Ministry is all about. Developing faithful followers of Christ who will do what they are called to do. Again and again. 

Monday, October 8, 2018

Right Voices Lead To Right Choices

Right Voices Lead to Right Choices

One of the most common prayer requests is for direction and guidance. We face many decisions on a daily basis, and each of us at some point will be searching for answers. Tuning into the right voices helps us to make the right choices.

Whether we use an online search tool, social media, or we simply phone a friend, seeking help with making decisions is a part of everyday life. Learning who to listen to can make all the difference. When it comes to getting advice, why not go straight to the top?

Psalm 119:24 tells us that the Scriptures can become our counselor. The Lord can speak to us through his word and give us the counsel we need. Talking things over with a trusted and qualified friend is always helpful, too, but the Word of God must be the first place we go to for answers.

Nobody knows more about everything, and nobody cares more about you than the Lord. James 1:5 says that God graciously grants us wisdom when we ask him for it. I just read this morning about an airline pilot in Indonesia who was sensitive to the voice of God and took off before he was scheduled, avoiding an earthquake which happened minutes later, sparing the lives of 144 passengers and crew.

Not all of our decisions will be that consequential, but getting direction from God always serves us well. That's what Empower NBCA School of Ministry is all about, developing our ability to walk with God and serve him effectively. Because right voices lead to right choices. 

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Keep the Fire Burning

Keep the Fire Burning

Sitting in front of a fireplace on a cold day can be a very enjoyable experience. There is something special about the sights, the sounds, and the sensations coming from the heat, the glow, and the crackle of the fire. But sooner or later, the fire is going to dwindle unless someone takes care of it.

Fire requires three things, fuel, oxygen, and ignition. Tending the fire means we need to supply it with one of those three elements to keep it going. We may need to throw more wood on the fire, we may need to let it breathe, or we may need to rekindle the flame.

In much the same way, our spiritual lives need attention to avoid going dim. Jesus said he would baptize us with the Holy Spirit and with fire. Jeremiah spoke of God's word burning within him like fire in his bones. On the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples in the upper room in the form of fire.

God wants to light a fire within each of us. He wants our hearts to burn with love for him and for the souls of humanity. The Bible calls our God a consuming fire, and he doesn't want us living in lukewarm and apathetic ways.

In Luke 24, Jesus appears to two disciples as they walked the road to Emmaus. At first they didn't recognize him, but eventually they realize it was the resurrected Christ. After he vanishes from their sight, they say to each other, did not our hearts burn within us as we walked together and he taught us the Scriptures along the way?

When was the last time your heart burned within you as Jesus walked alongside of you and taught you from the Scriptures? That's what Empower NBCA School of Ministry is all about. Making a time and a place for the fire of God to capture our hearts and keep the fires burning.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Either Or


We live in a world filled with so many choices and a multitude of options. From a menu of endless television stations to entire grocery aisles dedicated to cereal or toothpaste, we love having options. From choosing a paint color or ordering an ice cream cone, we have plenty of choices.

That may be true when it comes to making purchases or seeking entertainment, but when it comes to how we live our lives, we really only have two choices. Romans 12:2 says we will either conform to the pattern of the world or we will become transformed by the renewing of our minds. It's an either/or proposition. Every single one of us will fall into one of those two groups.

Romans 12:2 goes on to explain that it's the renewing of the mind that enables us to find God's perfect will. Either we will or we won't. Either we do or we don't. Either we conform to the ways of the world and live according to it, or we are transformed by renewing or mind and live according to the teachings of the bible.

In a world filled with so many choices and a multitude of options, there is one decision that matters most. Will we be conformed or will we be transformed? Will we go along with the pattern of the world or will we discover and follow the ways of God? In a world overflowing with choices, the truth is that it's still an either/or life. Will we do the best we know how, or will we know how to do what's best?

That's what Empower NBCA School of Ministry is all about. Providing an environment where one can become transformed by renewing their mind through a consistent and systematic study of the scriptures. This is the gateway to the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God. 

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Who are you?

Who are you?

One of the first things we learn in life is a sense of identity. We learn that we have a name, a family, and a home. This sense of belonging helps us to realize we have a place in this world. Life only makes sense as we interpret it through the understanding of our identity.

It seems that the awareness of our identity is an ongoing need in our lives. As we grow older and move through the seasons of life, we continue to have questions about who we are and what our lives are all about. Because life only makes sense as we learn to interpret it through the understanding of our identity. 

In John chapter one, we read that John the Baptist was questioned by some of the Jewish leaders as to who he was. They wondered if he might be the promised Messiah. They asked him, Who are you?, and What do you say about yourself?  These are still significant questions for each of us today.

I love John's response to these questions. He answered with a scripture from the book of Isaiah. He said, I am a voice crying in the wilderness, prepare the way of the Lord. In other words, he found his identity in the scriptures. His life made sense as his identity related to the plan of God. He learned to say about himself what God had already said about him.

Who are you? What do you say about yourself? As you journey through life, how you answer these important questions makes a big difference between fulfilling destiny or finding disappointment. Life only makes sense as we interpret it through the understanding of our identity.

That's what Empower NBCA School of Ministry is all about, helping you become who created you to be. Discover your call. Own your call. Live your call. Live empowered. 

Monday, September 24, 2018

Environment Matters

Environment Matters

Of the many factors that influence our lives, few, if any, are as impactful as our environment. The environment is defined as the surroundings which provide the conditions in which we operate. We are in many ways the product of our environment. 

A healthy environment allows us to thrive, while an unhealthy environment causes negative consequences. Some environmental factors are not in our control, but we are never without options. We can choose our thoughts, we can choose our friends, and we can choose our habits.

If we believe the Lord has a good plan and purpose for our lives, then we must also trust that he can and will provide the proper environment in which his will can develop and occur. There are always positive and negative influences moving around us, but we can decide in which environment we are going to dwell. We must be diligent in choosing the proper environment, because our environment matters.

A seed contains great potential to grow and bear fruit. Everything needed to fulfill its' destiny is already present within the seed. The one thing that will determine its' outcome is the environment. The seed may be planted and nurtured into a healthy maturity, or the seed may never become what it might have been, because the environment wasn't right. 

That's what Empower NBCA School of Ministry is all about, creating an environment in which God's plan and purpose for you can come alive. If you've been wondering about God's plan for your life, check us out. Because environment matters. 

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Do Your Best

Do Your Best

I heard a former Navy Seal speaking about the intensity of their training regimen. Many aspire to reach the elite status of a Navy Seal, yet not everyone survives the rigors they are asked to endure. One of the main things I took away from the presentation that day was that whether we learn to be a highly trained soldier or not, we are all creatures of habit and when we experience challenging circumstances we will resort to our highest level of training.

As followers of Christ, we are on a mission to reach the world with the gospel message. Along the way, there will be challenges of many kinds. How we respond to those challenges makes all the difference between surviving or thriving. Will we survive the rigors of life, or will we fall prey to trials, tribulations, and temptations? Will we reach our full potential in Christ and fulfill our mission, or will we become distracted, disinterested, and discouraged?

None of us is perfect, and we all need some help from time to time. That's why we have each other, as a support system to help win the battles of life. However, for optimum success, a vital part of our support system must also include growing in faith and developing our spiritual lives. When a soldier encounters a life or death situation, they fall back on their training in order to survive the attack and defeat the enemy. Likewise, when we encounter pressure and problems, we fall back on how we've been trained to deal with these things.

That's what Empower NBCA School of Ministry is all about. Becoming highly trained in the ways of the Lord, so that we not only survive, but we thrive and do our best in life. We believe that a system of consistent training is essential to doing our best.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Back to the Beginning

Back to the Beginning

Along the journey of life we experience a variety of highs and lows. There are times when things are going smoothly, and there are times when things are more difficult. We try to figure things out and make sense of it all, but I've come to learn that going back to the beginning can be helpful at times.

What I mean by that is, let's examine what got us on this path in the first place. Did we see someone else on that path, and it seemed like a good idea for us, too? Or did we just end up on the current path without any rhyme or reason, it just sort of happened? Or did we sense a divine invitation to take this path, and we stepped out in faith, believing this was the will of the Lord?

Whatever the reason, I think it's valuable for us to revisit our starting point in order to determine the next step. When things become difficult, we need to know if we should stay the course or make a change? We don't want to keep going down a dead end, yet we don't want to bail out every time trouble comes, either. How do we know which is the best decision? Go back to the beginning.

I think about Jesus and the disciples crossing the Sea of Galilee in Mark 4. Jesus declares they are going to the other side and then falls asleep in the back of the boat. Along the way, a violent storm rises us and threatens their safety. The disciples are afraid and wake Jesus up. He calms the storm and challenges them with a question, Where is your faith?

We don't like being under pressure. We don't enjoy difficult circumstances. Yet sometimes they come even when we are following the Lord's instructions. Going back to the beginning means let's examine the reason behind our present situation. If it's the word of the Lord, then let's stay the course and trust that we will get to the other side.

That's what Empower NBCA School of Ministry is all about. Getting the word of the Lord firmly settled in your heart so you can face down any storm, knowing that you will reach the other side.   

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

First Responders

First Responders

Today is September 11th. It used to be just another day on the calendar. But 17 years ago, it became a landmark date in American history. However, in the face of terrorism, many heroes emerged that day to do great things for those in need. We often refer to them as first responders, and they deserve our thanks and our respect.

There are many stories of service and sacrifice among the fire departments, police departments, and other emergency personnel in New York City and Washington DC. And on Flight 93, many rose to the occasion and answered the call to respond to the situation. And all across the nation, people from all walks of life responded with prayer, with donations, and with heartfelt support.

The world became a different place on September 11, 2001. The events of that day left a scar. Yet that scar reminds us that in some ways the world has always been this way. Beautiful and filled with great possibilities, yet tainted with evil and hatred. But in spite of the darkness, somehow the light always finds a way to shine.

Since the beginning of time, our world has seen much tragedy and sorrow, yet there are always those who find the strength to rise up with hope and respond. As followers of Christ, we are called to live as first responders. We respond to the enormous needs around us with compassion and with courage. We respond with the message and with the hope of the gospel.

That's what Empower NBCA School of Ministry is all about. Learning to respond to the call of God and to the needs of the world. In the midst of darkness, the light always finds a way to shine.

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Life Skills

Life Skills

Life skills has become a common term that refers to the skills one needs to make the most out of life. These skills help us to manage the demands of life and to reach our full potential. While there are some differences in what some consider essential life skills, here are four categories that seem to encompass the basics of necessary life skills.

Self-awareness is a key life skill. Without it, we fail to manage ourselves well, we may come off as socially awkward, and we probably will leave behind a trail of damaged relationships. The ancient admonition to know yourself still applies today.

Strong character is another vital life skill. The importance of values and ethics cannot be overstated. Without a firm moral compass we are sure to find an unwelcome supply of troubles.

Strength discovery helps us find value and purpose. Realistic assessment helps us to identify our gifts and talents. Without this feedback and experience, we find frustration and continual dissatisfaction.

Leadership ability has never been more sought after. Leadership skills have become a must have in today's world. Not so much holding a position of leadership, but more so carrying a perspective and a mindset of leadership.

Life skills such as reflective thinking, problem solving, and interpersonal ability set us apart from the pack and help prepare us to overcome challenges. That's what Empower NBCA School of Ministry is all about. Finding, following, and fulfilling the plan of God for our lives.     

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

The Power of One

The Power of One

Never underestimate the power of one person to make a difference. All throughout the Bible we see many examples of how just one person filled with faith and with the Spirit of God can change things. Is there a desire in your heart to make a difference but you're having a hard time seeing how that could ever become a reality? Consider the power of one.

David was the youngest of eight brothers. He was the errand boy, watching his father's sheep and delivering food to his older brothers in the army. He didn't get much respect from his family, but that all changed the day he faced down Goliath. Nobody in the entire army of Israel wanted to fight this giant of a man, until David showed up. Just a teenager, just a shepherd boy, just one person, yet he defeated the giant and saved the entire nation from bondage to the enemy. Consider the power of one.

Paul was a prisoner on a ship to Rome, on his way to appeal his case to Caesar. A tempest came along and the ship was in grave danger. There were 276 men on board and they all lost hope of being saved. All but one that is. Paul stood up in the midst of that terrible storm and encouraged them all that God would spare their lives. The ship was lost, but all of the men made it safely to shore. Consider the power of one.

There were 5000 men along with their families listening to Jesus preach. After several days out in the countryside, they ran out of food. One young boy had a few fish and some loaves of bread. What is that among so many, the disciples asked? How can that come close to meeting the need? But Jesus blessed the food and it multiplied until they all had more than enough to eat.

Maybe you feel the same way? You feel like you don't have much to offer, there is no way it can be of much help. But in the hands of Jesus it becomes more than enough. That's what Empower NBCA School of Ministry is all about. Helping people to see the power of one, when that one is surrendered to the Lord.

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Be True to Your School

Be True to Your School

Back in 1963, the Beach Boys released a song called, Be True to Your School. It was a rah-rah, feel good song about teenagers with letter-man jackets taking pride in their school. While there is nothing wrong with that, I think that being true to your school goes much deeper.

Did you know that the word 'school' appears just once in the Bible? Although the Bible lists many  references to teaching and religious instruction, only in Acts 19:9 do we actually find the term school mentioned. Here the Apostle Paul is said to have held daily lectures for two years in the school, or in the lecture hall, of Tyrannus. The result of this two year "school" was that the whole region of Asia was reached with the gospel. 

The meaning of the word school in the original Greek language refers to a place where lectures on the philosophy of life are regularly discussed. Whether we realize it or not, each of us is part of a school. Somehow, someway, we are all participating in a group that philosophizes about life. People gather at park benches, barber shops, restaurants, concerts, churches, town halls, chat rooms, social media platforms, radio programs, television broadcasts, and many more. And there we talk about life.

School isn't just a place for kids to learn reading, writing, and arithmetic. The term school has a broader application. It is something we all need, at all stages and ages. It is a way to gather with others and discuss the meaning of life. And just like the students from Paul's school in Acts 19, to share our message with others. That's being true to your school.

That's what Empower NBCA School of Ministry is all about. A time and a place where we can learn and discuss the kind of life God desires for us. And then to share that message until all have heard.


Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Love is the Greatest

Love is the Greatest

I usually read my bible as I eat breakfast. This morning I read where Jesus answered a question about which is the greatest commandment? His response gives us much to think about. He said the greatest commandment is summed up as loving the Lord with all of your being and loving your neighbor as yourself. Nothing is greater than this.

His answer gives us a wonderful standard to live by, a simple yet profound purpose in life. Not only does it explain what we should do, but it also reveals why we do it. We live to serve God and we live to serve others because of love. We love him because he first loved us. Love becomes our primary motivation.

How do we find direction for life? How do we make good decisions? How do we find energy and determination during difficult times? How do we prioritize our time? How do we stay out of trouble? How do we live our best life? We do all of these things and more by choosing to live in love with God and with our neighbor.

Love not only helps us to do the right things, but it also helps us do them for the right reasons. That's what Empower NBCA School of Ministry is all about. Helping you recognize the call of God upon your life, and responding to that call in the best way. With love for God and love for our neighbor. That is the recipe for a life well-lived.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

For the sake of others

For the sake of others

I recently came across a quote from Albert Einstein that intrigued me. It goes like this; "Strange is our situation here on earth. Each of us comes for a short visit, not knowing why, yet sometimes seeming to a divine purpose. From the standpoint of daily life, however, there is one thing we do know; we are here for the sake of others."

Becoming persuaded that we are here for the sake of others is one of the most basic and essential lessons each of us could ever learn. Living with this sense of mission and purpose is what allows us to become the person we were meant to be. Understanding and adopting such a perspective is what enables us to live a meaningful and productive life.

I hear many people complain about the condition of our world. The news is filled with relentless accounts of crime, injustice, and depravity. We can respond by either withdrawing from others in fear and distrust or we can seek opportunities to connect to others with compassion and concern.

This world we live in is such a great paradox. It is filled with both joys and sorrows. Everywhere we look there is both beauty and brokenness. Each day brings opportunity for delight or deceit. The possibilities are endless for either making a difference or making a mess. Let us choose wisely the roads we travel. Let us choose to live for the sake of others.

That is what Empower NBCA School of Ministry is all about. It is about abandoning ourselves to the call of God and finding the path we were created for. It is about learning to live for God and for the sake of others. 

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Margin and Mission

Margin and Mission

One of the greatest things about growing up is getting the chance to decide how to live your life. It's a wonderful thing to come to the realization that life is a gift, and each of us has been granted the opportunity to make it count somehow. We're all looking for a cause worthy of the substance of life.

I want to offer you something to consider. If we truly want our lives to create impact, then I believe we need two vital ingredients. They are margin and mission.

Margin simply refers to giving yourself room to grow and fulfill your potential. The pace of life has become so frantic and erratic that many people find themselves without margin. That means no time to think, to read, to dream, to pray, and to become who you are supposed to be.

Living with margin takes discipline and intentionality. There is only so much time and energy. Margin isn't about being lazy, rather it is about a wise use of precious resources.

Mission refers to focus. There are no lack of needs or opportunities to make a difference. But at some point, we each need to decide what is going to become the overarching mission of our lives.

Without mission, we are mediocre and ineffective. Without mission, we end up living in the land of what might have been. Without mission, we forfeit our best life.

Margin and mission work together. Living with margin allows us to live out our mission, and living with mission demands that we live with margin. We really can't have one without the other.

That's what Empower NBCA School of Ministry is all about. Learning to live with margin and mission. That's what it takes to live a life of lasting impact.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

If You Don't Mind

If You Don't Mind

Many years ago, there was a media campaign encouraging young people to further their education based on the slogan, "A mind is a terrible thing to waste". And indeed, it is tragic when people do not fulfill their potential due to lack of opportunity or lack of effort. Education can be a wonderful thing, however, the Bible advises us to seek the Lord's perspective in all things.

God is our Creator, and he gave us minds which with to think and to reason. However, in Proverbs 3:5-6, we are cautioned not to lean on our own understanding but rather to acknowledge him in all things. Romans 12:2 instructs us not to conform to the pattern of the world, but to be transformed by the renewing of the mind. This is the doorway to experiencing God's perfect will.

God isn't telling us not to think, but rather he is telling us how to think. If we want to experience the best God has for us, then we must not limit ourselves to our own thinking ability. Renewing the mind is simply learning to adopt God's way of thinking. As Ephesians 4 tells us, we are to put off the old self, and be renewed in the attitude of our minds by putting on the new self, which is created to follow God in righteousness and holiness.

A mind is a terrible thing to waste, but worse than that is wasting the opportunity to submit our minds to the mind of God. Even the best minds that ever lived do not come close to the infinite wisdom and greatness contained in the mind of the Lord. Yes, let's put our minds to use as we endeavor to solve problems and serve people, but let our thinking first be informed by the mind of the Lord.

That's what Empower NBCA School of Ministry is all about. Renewing our minds with the mind of the Lord. The possibilities are endless, if you don't mind.

Tuesday, July 31, 2018



Recently, the acronym YOLO has become popular by way of social media. It stands for You Only Live Once. It is usually used in reference to taking risks and living life wide open since we only have one life to live.

As with many other things, there is an element of truth to this concept, however, a wise and balanced approach is advisable. Certainly, we want to live life to the fullest and make the most of it. Yet at the same time, we don't want to become foolish or negligent about how we live life either.

Hebrews 9:27 reminds us that mankind is destined to die once and then face judgment. This supports the concept of YOLO, but serves as a reminder to consider things in the light of eternity. In other words, yes, we only live once, however, we will give an account to the Lord for how we lived.

So what's my point? Simply this, let's embrace the reality that we indeed only live once, so we should not settle for playing it safe. But let that perspective move us in the direction of seeking God's best, rather than seeking cheap thrills and momentary pursuits.

Knowing we only live once should be a motivation for serving God to best of our ability, rather than a justification for irresponsible behavior. Living a full life is more than packing as many experiences as possible into each day. Instead, a full life is measured by our cooperation with the will of God.

That's what Empower NBCA School of Ministry is all about. Helping to prepare you for a life of service and significance as a Christian leader. Do your best, after all, you only live once.


Thursday, July 26, 2018

Check Engine

Check Engine

Recently, as I was driving to the store, the check engine light came on in my car. There was not a noticeable decrease in performance. There were no other indicators of a problem, everything else seemed just fine.

I was due for an oil change anyway, so I called my mechanic to make an appointment as soon as possible. The dreaded check engine light can mean many things, sometimes a major problem, but more often not. Either way, it's unwise to ignore it

It probably doesn't mean you must stop driving immediately, but it's a warning that something needs attention, the sooner the better. Just like our vehicles, we have also been created with an internal diagnostic system. When something isn't quite right, we may experience a variety of things such as pain, a funny feeling, or some other form of distress.

While these are not enjoyable things, they are helpful because they get our attention regarding an undetected problem. Maybe you're living life with the check engine light on? Not the one in your car but the one in your gut?

Maybe you don't know what to call it. You can't quite put your finger on it, but deep down you know your life isn't quite hitting the mark. There is a sense that you are falling short of your potential and you long to make a difference somehow.

That's what Empower NBCA School of Ministry is all about. Tuning up your spiritual engine with biblical understanding and fueling your ride with godly passion and purpose. Our program is designed to help you find yourself in the plan of God, and to prepare for a successful journey.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Search Party

Search Party

We're all in search of something. Maybe we don't even know what it is or exactly what to call it, but we just know there is something out there for us waiting to be found. There seems to be an inborn hunger within humanity that causes us to search for meaning and purpose. You could say that this world is one big search party.

The dictionary defines a search party as a group of people organized to look for someone or something that was lost. I think that is a good summary of life as we know it. We don't all go about it the same way but we're all looking for the same thing. We don't all call it by the same name, but each of us gets involved in some group that is somehow organized in search of something.

Some are in search of knowledge and some are in search of pleasure. Some are in search of riches and some are in search of fame. Some are in search of freedom and some are in search of power. And the list of search parties goes on and on.

As always, Jesus cuts through the fog and reveals the truth. In Matthew 10:39 Jesus said, "Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it". He tells us what is driving us to search for the elusive something that will satisfy our souls. He simply calls it life.

Whether we realize it or not, we're all searching for life. Not merely an existence, but a life worth living. Not just breath in our lungs but a fire in our bones. Not just marking days on a calendar but leaving a mark on the world around us.   

And as always, Jesus doesn't just point out the answer without pointing out the way to the answer. His instruction is clear. If we spend our years searching for life on our own terms, we end up missing out on what really matters. But if we surrender the search by following his leadership, we end up finding our true selves and enjoying life as it was meant to be.

That's what Empower NBCA School of Ministry is all about. Giving ourselves to Jesus and coming away with so much more. Join our search party. Your life is waiting to be found..

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Free Range

Free Range

Free range is a term that has recently attracted some attention. It is typically used in reference to housing livestock in a natural environment that allows freedom of movement. This is not only more humane but it also produces a healthier animal for market.

Interestingly, the term free range has also become linked to parenting styles. Some parents have come under investigation for giving their children what is perceived by some as too much freedom or lack of proper supervision. However, research supports the assertion that a healthy degree of free range parenting helps to develop more responsible adults.

Why does this matter? What's the point? How does this relate to our walk with God?

Walking with God is a walk of faith. A life of faith requires some level of risk. Trusting in God causes us to confront fears and tackle uncertainties. We learn to take responsibility for our lives by learning to depend on God.

It seems counter-intuitive to equate taking responsibility with dependency. Yet, the more confident we become in God's care for us and the more assured we become in the integrity of his promises, the more freedom we experience. Becoming dependent on God doesn't confine or disable us, instead it expands our horizons and enlarges our willingness to step boldly into the unknown.

The life of faith is free range. It is here that we enjoy our intended environment and freedom of movement. Not freedom from God, but freedom to walk with God and become all that he purposes for us.

Good things happen when we spend time in the right environment. That's what Empower NBCA School of Ministry is all about. 

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Measure What Matters

Measure What Matters

It doesn't take long to figure out that the world is full of different views and opinions. We don't always agree on what's important or on what matters the most. We don't all see the "good life" in quite the same way. 

This results in using different ways of measuring success. Some people look at the outward and tangible assets as measuring sticks; things like money, homes, cars, and such. Others look at the inward and intangible rewards; things like status, satisfaction, contentment, and so on.

What is your scorecard? What do you see as being of greatest value? How are you measuring the outcomes of your life?

I want to challenge you with these words from Peter the Apostle. In Second Peter 3:18 he ends his letter like this; But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.....

I think that sums things up pretty well. In all of our coming and going, in all of our plans and pursuits, let's prioritize growing in the knowledge and likeness of Jesus.

When the dust settles and we come to end of the road, how will we determine if we had a life well-lived? There are many ways to answer that question, but I suggest that we uphold pursuing Christ-likeness as our standard.

Let's live out our years by measuring what matters. Let's endeavor to become more like Jesus. That's what Empower NBCA School of Ministry is all about. Helping you walk a path of continuous growth and learning in pursuit of who and what matters most.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Keep Your Eyes on the Prize

Keep Your Eyes on the Prize

The World Cup Finals are taking place this week, which means one of the four finalist countries will soon be crowned the world champion of soccer. This is of paramount importance to many sports fans all around the world. Winning the championship is the ultimate dream and ambition of each team.

There is something within each of us that longs for victory. We all want to be the winner. We all want to receive the prize.

The Apostle Paul wrote of this in 1 Corinthians 9:24-27. Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air. No, I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.

He understood the importance of keeping your eyes on the prize. We enjoy sports for many reasons, but I think one of the biggest reasons is because it is a reflection of the human experience. Our lives can be compared to a race, a competition, a pursuit of a prize.

The Scripture encourages us to run in such a way as to get the prize, which includes strict training. Without training and discipline, our chances of getting the prize are greatly diminished.

That's what Empower NBCA School of Ministry is all about. Helping you train so you can run in such a way as to get the prize. 

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Invest in your future

Invest in your future

Our nation recently celebrated another birthday. We call it the Fourth of July. The day has become a national holiday to commemorate the founding of our country.

Beyond the backyard picnics, flag waving, and fireworks displays, there is something else about this holiday that I want to bring to your attention. It's the level of investment from our founding fathers. They were fully committed because they had a vision for their future.

I'm not much of a historian, but it's not difficult to understand that these men were willing to face tremendous odds because they believed in the future of America. They were not perfect people, and our nation isn't without fault either. I'm simply making an observation that the freedoms we celebrate today were made possible by people who were willing to invest in their future.

It's been 242 years since July 4, 1776, but some things haven't changed. Dreams are still accomplished and possibilities are still fulfilled by people willing to invest in their future.

How are you investing in your future? How are you preparing for what you believe is God's plan for you? What steps are you taking to get there?

Empower NBCA School of Ministry is designed to help you discover your call, own your call, and live your call for the glory of God. It's not just taking classes. It's more than learning the Bible. It's an investment in your future. Because a wise investment is still the way to something worth celebrating.



Tuesday, July 3, 2018

What are you doing with now?

What are you doing with the now?

I'm a big proponent of forward thinking and marching through life with a clear vision for the future. That's how things get done and progress is made. However, we must remind ourselves that the building blocks of our future consist of what we are doing with the now. 

The now keeps changing, but our commitment to the now must stay the course. Moment by moment, and day by day, what we experience in the now is subject to change. Regardless of the circumstance, how we treat the now makes all the difference.

After all, the now is really all we have to work with. What's behind us is a memory, and what's before us is a dream. Our only meaningful option is to seize the now and do our best with it.

Wishing things were different or wondering what things will be like may be natural, but it will never prove to be enough. What wins the day and moves the ball is what you are doing with the now. That means translating the desires of your heart into purposeful action.

That takes risk. That takes sacrifice. That takes faith. That is the path of possibilities.

What do you hope to accomplish? Where do you want to go in life? How do you want to impact the world? Those questions are best summed up in this one question. What are you doing with the now?

Empower NBCA School of Ministry is something you can do right now to help you get to where you want to be. Nothing changes without a commitment to doing something with the now.   

Thursday, June 28, 2018

To Serve and To Solve

To serve and to protect is the motto of many local police departments. It is inscribed on their vehicles and it is the standard they are expected to uphold.

I recently read an article on leadership in which the author had some similar ideas. He was talking about how the best way to train emerging leaders is to encourage them to do two things; to serve and to solve.

I like the sound of that. Not only is it catchy, but those two little words say a lot. To serve and to solve are two foundational attributes of biblical leadership because they reflect the ministry of Christ.

Jesus humbly served the will of the Father and graciously served the needs of humanity. Jesus also showed himself to be a consistent and powerful problem-solver.

When people were hungry, he fed them. When people were confused, he taught them. When people were hurting, he healed them. When people were wrong, he corrected them. When people were imperfect, he forgave them. When people were in danger, he rescued them.

The life of Christ reminds us that our calling is to follow his example to serve and to solve. We live in a world filled with needs to be served and problems to be solved.

When we start following Jesus, he starts directing our hearts toward people to serve and problems to solve. Who are the people you desire to serve? What are the problems you desire to solve?

Empower NBCA School of Ministry can help prepare you for a life of biblical leadership; a life empowered by Christ to serve and to solve. 

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Special Announcement

We interrupt regular programming to make this special announcement.

Empower NBCA School of Ministry is pleased to announce the launch of their evening program. Beginning in Fall of 2018, classes will now meet on Sunday evenings from 6-9 pm.

This new format allows students to earn an Associate Degree in Ministry and gain practical ministry experience while only meeting once per week.

First year courses are: Interpreting the Bible, Old Testament Survey, New Testament Survey, Calling & Purpose, Faith Life, Prayer Life, Spiritual Growth, Spiritual Gifts, Personal Finances, Supportive Ministries, The Ultimate Voice, and Apologetics.

Second year courses are: Biblical Leadership, Life of Christ, Book of Acts, Basic Bible Doctrines, Marriage & Family, Theology, Ministerial Ethics, The Great Commission, Teaching the Bible, Ministry Practicalities, Research Project, Mentoring Project, Capstone Project.

Please contact us at or 724.846.8820 x 25 for more information.

The application deadline is August 1, 2018.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Measuring Success

We all want to be successful. However, how we define success makes all the difference. What is the standard by which we are measuring success?

Two thoughts come to mind. First, we need to determine if we are using biblical standards rather than man-made ideas. And secondly, we need to settle those standards of measurement in our hearts before we start our journey. Let me explain.

While we all want to be successful, we don't share the same specific goals or aspirations. Even though we aren't all aiming for the same target, we can all measure success the same way by using biblical standards. Does it honor God? Does it support the gospel? Does it include serving others?

The Bible is clear that we will all give an account of our lives to God one day. With that in mind, let's do our best to adopt biblical thinking in our pursuit of success. After all, he is going to have the last word on the matter. Any other opinion isn't going to matter on the day of judgment.

It is also important to define success in our hearts before we begin a task. Otherwise we have no sure way of knowing we are doing the right thing or doing it the right way. Unless our hearts are settled, we are much too prone to becoming influenced by other ideas. Of course, we should remain teachable and we can learn from others, but in the end we alone bear the responsibility for our actions. Let us be intentional rather than haphazard in our approach to successful living.

The call of God is paramount to determining successful living. Our obedience to the call is the truest measure of success. Empower NBCA School of Ministry endeavors to help people discover their call, own their call, and live their call for the glory of God. We consider that to be a great definition of successful living.


Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Competitive Advantage

Competitive advantage is a term that refers to conditions or circumstances that give someone a favorable or superior position. Whether in business, athletics, or everyday life, we are all looking for some kind of advantage.

One way that we can experience advantage is through preparation. Usually, the better our preparation, the better our chances are for success. That is precisely what Empower NBCA School of Ministry is all about; preparing you for success.

We combine classroom learning activities with real-world experiences, a process of self-reflection, and consistent mentorship opportunities. As a result, our students are prepared for a life of purpose and impact. We believe this kind of preparation translates into a lifelong advantage.

This is not an advantage that gives us the right to dominate others or to impose our will over them. Rather, this advantage is meant for us to connect our learning and spiritual formation into practical ways of directly impacting our world. 

Thursday, June 14, 2018

The path of least resistance

Human nature has proven again and again that we are naturally prone to take the path of least resistance. None of us likes being bothered with giving extra effort. We like things quick and easy.

It doesn't take long, however, to discover that life just doesn't work that way. Sure, we all have gifts and talents that enable us to do certain things that we've always been good at without much effort. Yet, the reality is that the path of least resistance often leads us to places that we find disappointing and uninspiring.

Empower NBCA School of Ministry is all about helping people find, follow, and fulfill their God-given calling. Living out the call of God is the best place for us. It's where we come alive, it's where we do the most good, it's where we belong.

Let's realize that living out the call of God is going to include flowing in the comfort zone of God-given gifts and abilities, yet it's also going to include applying our faith to overcome obstacles, make changes, and maximize our potential. In other words, living out the call of God isn't going to be quick and easy. It's going to take time and it's going to take effort.

I enjoy comfort and convenience as much as anyone else, but let's not be fooled by the path of least resistance. It's not the road that leads to destiny. Following the Lord is going to cost you something, but the return on your investment is well worth it.

Going to school might seem like a lot of unnecessary work and expense. But that's only true if you don't care where you're headed. Following the call of God, my friend is for those who are willing to make a serious and wholehearted effort. We can help you with that. 

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

A Biblical Pattern

I have found the Bible to be a consistent and trustworthy guide for life. This collection of divinely inspired writings is a priceless source of unmatched wisdom and powerful principles for living a life well-spent.

One of the primary ways the Bible communicates it's truths is by revealing patterns for us to follow. We come to recognize the importance of things by how often they are repeated and emphasized throughout the Scriptures.     

I want to bring to your attention the biblical pattern of preparation. Over and over, throughout both the Old and New Testaments, we read stories and see examples of people in seasons of preparation to fulfill their calling. 

Moses spent forty years in the desert as a shepherd before leading the people of Israel. David also spent his youth watching his father's sheep before being selected to become king. Daniel and his friends were subjected to a three year program of instruction before serving in the palace at Babylon. Likewise, Esther received a full year's worth of detailed treatments and preparation before being allowed to approach the king. 

In the New Testament we read of Jesus preparing for thirty years before entering his three year earthly ministry. The disciples of Christ spent those three years learning from him, but were also instructed to wait for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit before launching into their ministries. We also read of Saul who later became Paul, who after converting to Christ, spent years in prayer before he began his apostolic ministry. And in Acts 19, we read about Paul leading daily discussions for two years in the school of Tyrannus. This resulted in all of Asia hearing the word of the Lord.

What is the point of all this? Why am I bringing this up? Because I perceive the biblical pattern of fully obeying the call of God to include a time of concentrated and purposed preparation.

The length, the style, the manner of preparation isn't the same for everyone, yet I want to challenge you to consider what you should do about God's call. Empower NBCA School of Ministry offers an environment where you can prepare effectively to follow the call of God.

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Where do you want to be two years from now?

The year 2020 is less than two years away. What is your 2020 vision? In other words, where do you want to be in two years? Who do you want to become and what do you want your life to look like?

I believe these are good questions to ponder, because our future is not an accident. Of course, not all things are under our control, yet our vision determines the path toward our future. What is the desire of your heart and how do you plan to achieve it?

Psalm 57:2 says, I cry out to God Most High, to God who will fulfill his purpose for me.

Many people believe that God has a purpose for their life. However, not many seem confident about the details. Some seem to feel God will just do whatever he pleases, and they are helplessly along for the ride. Others seem to feel that unless they receive clear direction from God, they may fall short of his plans and purposes for them.

The psalmist indicates that he is seeking God for help so that the divine purpose will not be thwarted. The fulfillment of our purpose requires our cooperation and obedience. What are you doing about that?

Empower NBCA School of Ministry provides an environment where you can learn more about God's purposes for you and how you can actively participate. We believe that God has wonderful purposes for your life. We also believe that a focused and systematic commitment of study is necessary for finding and fulfilling those purposes.

So back to our original question. Where do you want to be two years from now? What you do in the meantime will determine where you will be in two years. We can help you with that.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Are you ready to live empowered?

Have you ever considered what it means to live empowered? What are the hallmarks of an empowered life? How can you tell if you're ready to live in an empowered way?

The dictionary defines empower as giving someone the power or authority to do something. It also means to make someone stronger and more confident about living their life.

Many people sense deep within that they were created for a significant purpose, but are unsure what that is or how to get there.The mission of Empower NBCA School of Ministry is to help you discover your call, own your call, and live your call for the glory of God.

Here are some markers to help you evaluate whether or not you feel ready to live empowered:

1. You have a clear vision for your life

2. You feel energized and excited about your future

3. You feel like you are making a difference

4. You feel like you are doing something meaningful

5. You feel equipped and prepared to achieve your vision

Life is a precious gift filled with possibilities and potential. It's been said that life is God's gift to us, but what we do with it is our gift to Him. 

One day we will all be judged by God for how we lived our lives. Are you ready to live empowered? Let us know if we can help you with that. 

Thursday, May 31, 2018

We have recently completed our second year of studies at Empower, and several students are graduating from the program. With that in mind, I wanted to share a few thoughts on what to expect from our graduates. These three words give us a portrait of our typical ministry school graduate.

First, they are receptive learners. We believe that learning is a skill that should be developed throughout our lifetime. Our objective is to do more than pass along information, we also endeavor to help students learn how to learn. Graduating from Empower means that not only have you gained knowledge about the Bible, life, and ministry, but you have also accelerated your ability to discover and apply wisdom.

Second, they are reflective thinkers. We believe that critical thinking is a timeless and necessary skill for success. Our world is filled with busyness and noise which makes it difficult to develop focused thinking. Through prayer, meditation, and reflective writing assignments, our students become more reflective and skilled at principle centered living.

Third, they are responsive servant leaders. We believe that purpose and mission drives positive outcomes. Our world is filled with a myriad of human need and suffering. Through service projects and biblical perspectives, our students gain empathy and express compassionate care. Our objective is that our graduates would accept responsibility to serve others in the power of Christ.

The mission of Empower NBCA School of Ministry is to train next generation Christian leaders, for the church and in the marketplace. We encourage you to consider our program to help you develop the call of God on your life.